Freshman, sophomore shows to premier in mid-January


Are you tired of spending Friday nights sitting in your friend’s basement? Looking for something fun, low cost, and entertaining to do? Come see the Freshman Sophomore shows, performing in the Little Theater at 7pm on January 12 and 13. Watch two back to back one act shows, directed by Groves seniors Gigi Maki with Lea Milanini, and Jaedon Salata with Owen Magill. Laugh your butt off at your friends playing the wackiest and most absurd roles, while also supporting GPAC Freshman and Sophomores. Plus, if you like Twilight and Harry Potter, or even if you don’t, you’ll love Maki and Milanini’s show, Harry’s Hotter at Twilight; spoiler alert, there may or may not be a hot shirtless man. So clear your schedule and head to the Little Theater in the next month you certainly won’t regret it!